The team from the GM Diesel Center in Turin: Armando Mogavero, Andrea De Filippo, Luisa Cusanno, Domenico Spatafora, Davide Mercuri, Roberto Argolini, Davide Gessaroli (from left).
The cross-functional team from the GM Diesel Center in Turin and the Tech Center in Rüsselsheim that developed the first GM production mid-size diesel engine (MDE) Lean NOx Trap (LNT) won the GM Transformers Award.
The newly-developed application, required for Euro 6 emissions compliance which come into force in September 2014, is a cost effective alternative to the more expensive Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system; thus this application will result in considerable savings for GM over the next years.
Pierpaolo Antonioli, GM Powertrain Europe Managing Director and Global Diesel Sector Executive Director, said: “This smart solution shows the potential of our engineers and technicians. To reach the final goal, staff in Turin and Rüsselsheim worked together to develop a strong and innovative technological solution that benefits our customers around the world.”
The team members completed their work despite considerable time constraints and technical challenges. They developed both the hardware and software, required to manage the complexity of the system, from scratch. Several departments in both Engine and Control worked in close collaboration on this project, a key factor in the final positive outcome.
The team members include Roberto Argolini, Armando Mogavero, Domenico Spatafora, Davide Mercuri, Andrea De Filippo, Davide Gessaroli and Luisa Cusanno from the GM Powertrain Europe facility in Turin, Italy, and Ming Cui, Armin Wendling and Reiner Wirwoll who are based in Rüsselsheim, Germany.
Senior Performance & Emissions Engineer Andrea De Filippo commented: “It was a nice and unexpected reward that stimulates us to continue working towards technological innovation to enhance and vary our products.” On her part, Design Release Engineer Ming Cui said it was an honor to work in a great team and build great products.
The LNT is currently being fitted in the Meriva and Astra equipped with the all-new 1.6 CDTI Euro 6 diesel cars, which are built in Szengotthard, Hungary.
What is a Lean NOx Trap?
In simple terms, lean burn engines use less fuel (and hence use more air) in the combustion cycle. While this increase fuel economy, it also increased the production of nitrogen oxides (NOx). The Lean NOx Trap absorbs these oxides, thus reducing the amount of NOx released in exhaust gases. Every time that the storage capacity is completely used, the DeNOx regeneration phase starts; the storage capacity is restored and the previously trapped NOx are converted into innocuous species.
The results of emission controls over the years is significant, with reductions of up to 90 percent. Effectively, the emissions of one diesel-powered car in 1992 is equivalent to 140 diesel cars in 2014.
GM Transformers Award – driving change
Created by the GM leadership, the GM Transformers Award recognizes employees who take action to lead GM to world-class competitiveness. The award aims to celebrate innovation and transformation, essential requirements to win in an increasingly competitive global marketplace, earn margins that are competitive with the most successful automakers and maintain and grow our customer base. All salaried employees around the world are eligible to make a nomination or receive an award. Winners receive a monetary reward and other recognition.