Opel continues its investment offensive, allocating 210 million euros to the construction of a complex of buildings in Rüsselsheim. On July 14 the groundbreaking ceremony for the major project took place. The new buildings – the tallest seven stories high – will be located on the south-west sector of the International Development Center (ITDC) premises. Starting 2017, engineers and technicians will develop the powertrains of the future. The new center will also house 43 newest-generation performance test benches, being a visible sign of the Opel engine offensive. To 2018, Opel will introduce 27 new models and 17 new, economical engines to the market.

The groundbreaking ceremony for the new engineering center has happened: Starting in 2017, engineers and technicians will develop the powertrains of the future here.
total building surface area of around 36,000 square meters
The construction project is part of the investment announced last year that earmarks 230 million euros for new testing and engineering facilities at the ITDC and at the Test Center Rodgau-Dudenhofen. The lion’s share of that, 210 million euros, is being invested in the Rüsselsheim site. The complex will cover an area of around 13,000 square meters south of the railroad tracks and west of Portal 45 in Rüsselsheim, parallel to the Rugbyring. This is the largest building investment in Rüsselsheim since the opening of the new production plant in 2002. The total building surface area comprises around 36,000 square meters.
“With this investmentwe very clearly show: Opel is back. Opel is on the attack”, said CEO Karl-Thomas Neumann. “Our model offensive is in full swing – and eninges are a very important part of this offensive.” Head of Opel Works Council Wolfgang Schäfer-Klug said: “As employee representatives, from the very beginning we advocated investment in, preservation and expansion of engineering jobs. So I am delighted that we are laying this foundation stone today. It is more proof of growth and job security at Opel.”

Location of the new Center in Rüsselsheim.
Rüsselsheim is Center for Internationally-Networked German Engineering
The new site is embedded in the engineering network of the GM Powertrain Organization. Vice President of the GM Powertrain Division, Steven Kiefer: “For us, Rüsselsheim is the center for the development of small and mid-size gasoline engines. We rely on internationally-networked German engineering and with the construction of this new site, we create optimum working conditions for our experts.”