Kittilä and barber proudly present the transient piece of art in the form of the Opel Blitz.
Whether kept secretly under long hair or visible for all, whether just shaved into the hair or additionally colored: Extravagant hair tattoos are en vogue these days, with fantasy motifs as well as well-known symbols, letters or even entire phrases. Creativity in form, color and content is unlimited. The trend has left the VIP circles and can be witnessed on the streets.
Recently, Rami Kittilä, Opel’s Managing Director Finland had one of these transient pieces of art shaved into his hair. In doing so, he kept a promise: At a dealer event in March, he promised to get the Opel logo as a hair tattoo if Opel’s market share in Finland were to rise above 6 percent within the first seven months of 2016.
A promise is a promise: After Opel’s market shares in Finland reached 6.05 % for the period January to July a barber came on the stage during a big dealer event for MOKKA X, Opel OnStar and the new Zafira during Kittilä’s opening speech and cut the Opel logo into his hair.
The extravagant hair cut was well covered in Finnish media and on social media. Rami Kittilä was amongst others called “trendsetter for business executives”.