Der Opel GT Concept verdreht in seiner ersten Hauptrolle Autofans den Kopf
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The GT Concept stars in a dreamlike movie premiere
Fans eagerly waiting for the world premiere of the Opel GT Concept at the Geneva Motor Show (March 3 to 13) can already get another glimpse of the sportscar in a new video. As can be expected from a true dream car, the puristic concept appears in a more

Bochum: European Hub for Spare Parts
700 employees will look after European spare parts supply from 2017

Bochum: Europäisches Drehkreuz für Ersatzteile
In Bochum tätigt GM die weltweit größte Investition in Ersatzteillogistik.
GT Concept: Gets everyone excited
Those who did not already know that bulls cannot see red learned this fact when the outstanding ‘Umparken im Kopf’ campaign (‘Re-Park in Your Head’) was released. As a matter of fact, most mammals cannot see red – humans are the exception. Our eyes are extremely sensitive to this more
GT Concept: Diese Studie lässt niemanden kalt
Die ersten Fotos des GT Concept sind da und sorgen für jede Menge Reaktionen. Die ersten Pressestimmen
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